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Hello, I’m Esther! I am an enthusiastic novice equestrian in my early 20s, residing in the vibrant city of London. When I’m not in the saddle, you’ll often find me indulging in my passions for fashion and classical art.

My keen eye for style shines through in my riding outfits, where I enjoy blending practicality with fashion. Fueled by my appreciation for classical art, I have a profound love for equine art and imagery depicting horses and people.

Outside of riding, I find enjoyment and fulfillment in attending yoga and Pilates classes, as well as pursuing my passion for languages. As a trilingual language enthusiast, I am continuously fascinated by the intricacies of communication and the beauty of linguistic diversity.

Yoga and Pilates have been instrumental in enhancing my riding skills, improving my core strength, flexibility, and body awareness. These activities not only keep me physically fit but also help me maintain balance and mindfulness in my everyday life.

Whether immersing myself in language studies or finding peace on the yoga mat, these pursuits enrich my journey both on and off the horse.

Why is Esther Blogging?

Journey Documentation

Blogging about my beginner equestrian journey serves as a means of documenting my progress and experiences in the world of horse riding. By sharing my ups and downs, triumphs and challenges, I create a personal record that not only allows me to track my growth but also provides valuable insights for fellow beginners who may be embarking on a similar path. Through detailed accounts of my lessons, achievements, and setbacks, I aim to create a comprehensive narrative that captures the essence of my journey.

Educate and Inspire

The blog serves as a platform for education and inspiration within the equestrian community. Through informative posts, tips, and tutorials, I strive to provide valuable knowledge gained from my own learning experiences. By sharing practical advice and lessons learned firsthand, I hope to empower other beginner equestrians to overcome obstacles, refine their skills, and pursue their passion with confidence. Ultimately, I aim to inspire others to embark on their own equestrian journey and discover the joy and fulfillment that horse riding brings.

Building a Community

By sharing my story openly and authentically, I hope to foster a sense of camaraderie among fellow equestrians, regardless of their skill level or background. I aim to create a welcoming space where individuals can come together to celebrate their love for horses and equestrianism. In the future, I plan to organize meetups where members of the community can connect in person, share their experiences, and learn from each other.

What are Esther's equestrian aspirations?

My riding aspirations center on mastering horse riding skills to attain exceptional horsemanship. Ultimately, my goal is to own a horse, compete in a few competitions, and join a ladies polo team. The inspiration to pursue polo was sparked by witnessing a women’s polo match, igniting my passion for the sport and propelling me to embark on my equestrian journey.